Assisted Stretch Therapy Is It Right for You?
Whether to treat or prevent joint or muscle pain, stretching improves the functionality of the entire body. However, incorrect form or a lack of instruction can put you at greater risk of straining a ligament you intend to repair. Consider working with a Flexologist to move, feel, and train better.
Culprit 1 - Hip and Lower Back Pain
Whether you’re over-active or sedentary, unwanted tension on the lower back and pelvic floor can create tightness and weakness in the body. In some cases, the pain is persistent, radiating numbness or tingling to the quad, lower leg, and foot.
Pain often occurs in chronic “sitters”—desk employees—and labour workers such as landscapers, builders, painters, or construction workers. It can be challenging to pinpoint the exact area in which the pain originates, but myofascial work often does the trick.
What is Muscle Fascia?
Muscle fascia is a connective tissue that is typically the main focus of a flexibility regimen. When exercising the bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons, direct stretching allows less control and can even exacerbate existing pain.
Imbalances in posture can negatively impact myofascial tracts, restricting movement in the superficial front, spiral line, backline, deep front and deep arm line. Precursors may include prolonged sitting or standing.
Culprit 2 - Cervical Pain and Tightness
Neck and back pain often affect different muscle groups and nerves. Often characterised as achy, localised, diffused, or radiating, cervical pain can also cause light headaches, sensitivity in the eyes, and irritability.
Individuals more likely to experience cervical pain are weightlifters, crossfitters, or those who remain sitting for long periods.
Causes of Cervical Pain
Discomfort and tightness are most common in the shoulder joints, which also hone an intricate relationship with the rib cage and sternum. Cervical pain typically manifests in a slightly rounded thoracic region, cervical straightening, or the downward rotation of the scapula.
Culprit 3 - Muscle Cramps
Muscle pain is often spontaneous and sharp, occurring in the foot as well as the lower and upper legs. While cramps aren’t long-lasting, they may require stretching or compressing to subside. Runners, bikers, cross-fitters, and sitters may experience cramps regularly.
Causes of Muscle Pain
Not usually an effect of long-term habits, muscle cramps occur after sudden motions in stiff areas or when a muscle is over-stimulated. Electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, and decreased blood supply can trigger muscle pain.
Why Assisted Stretching?
If you aren’t stretching regularly, doing so on your own won’t effectively help you regain normal functionality. A stretch professional will know precisely how the body functions and which muscles to engage.
By getting to know your particular struggles, they can prevent postural dysfunctions and chronic pain by customising a regimen.
The long-term benefits of assisted stretching are easy to spot over time. Working with your capabilities and limitations, a Flexologist can put you on the path to recovery and enhanced mobility. With the help of an aide, you can increase your range of motion without entering the “danger zone.”
With Stretch Studios, the benefits of working with a Flexologist are tenfold what you can gain by working independently. Our experts in Sydney can improve your body’s circulation, working efficiently to help you develop greater flexibility and banish unwanted stiffness.