4 Workouts You Can Do to Make Your Body More Flexible
Are you trying to keep your body flexible and your muscles strong? If so, you need to stay active and do various exercises, particularly on activities that promote your flexibility.
Sitting too long can hurt your body, and such a habit is widespread in today's society. This can lead to the deterioration of your muscles, causing your body to become stiffer and less elastic! So, if you're looking to change that, here are some of the best workouts you can do to make your body more flexible:
1. Do Some Yoga
Yoga is great for your body. It's a bit like a workout, but it doesn't feel like you're working out. Yoga will help you relax, and it will improve your balance and posture. It's a great activity that has a number of physical benefits, and it can help you become more flexible.
Doing yoga also helps people relax and relieve stress. It also improves your mood and improves your overall health. So, if you're looking for a relaxing way to keep your muscles strong, yoga might be the best thing for you.
2. Strengthen Your Quads
If you want to improve your flexibility, you need to improve the flexibility of your quadriceps. This will help you keep your legs and hips flexible, improving your overall flexibility.
To work on your quadriceps, you need to do leg extensions, as well as leg curls. Doing at least 12 repetitions of each exercise will help you strengthen your quads and make sure they are flexible. The stronger your quads, the better your overall flexibility will be.
3. Do the Couch Stretch
This is a very good exercise that will make you more flexible. The name of the exercise is not very well known, but it's a great one!
To perform this stretch, sit on the couch and put your feet on the ground, as well as your arms down by your sides. You need to slowly lean back and put your hands on the couch behind you. Then, slowly raise your feet and put them on the seat. Make sure you don't hurt your neck and release this position.
If you do this exercise properly, you'll feel a stretch in your groin and hip flexors, and your lower back will feel the burn! It's a great exercise that will make you more flexible.
4. Stretch Your Hamstrings
Another great exercise for your flexibility is the hamstring stretch. This exercise will target your hamstrings and make them stronger and more flexible.
To perform it, you need to stand up and look straight ahead. Your feet should be a bit wider than your hips, and your legs should be a bit straight.
Then, bend your knees and let your upper body bend forward. The key here is to keep your back straight and don't let your torso bend when you bend your knees.
Do this until you feel a comfortable stretch. Make sure you don't straighten your legs and reduce the stretch if you feel like you're moving your low back!
There are many exercises you can do to keep your body flexible, and some of them are very simple. Just make sure you do them regularly, but don't stretch to the point of pain. While you might not stretch much at first, you can gradually increase your flexibility through the above exercises. They will only make you stronger, more flexible and in better shape!
Stretch Studios is Australia's first one-on-one assisted stretching studio. If you are looking for assisted stretching in Melbourne to improve your overall flexibility, reach out to us today!