3 Lower Back Stretches For A Pain-Free Life


As remote work has probably shown you, lower back pain can occur to just about anyone. Most people assume that it’s only a symptom of old age, but it’s a common condition people of all ages enjoy, including those at optimal health. It happens due to a plethora of physical activities such as weightlifting and cycling, but it can also be due to a sedentary lifestyle. Office workers usually complain of back pain after sitting all day, hunched over their desktops and typing away.

No matter the cause of lower back pain, however, one thing is undeniable—it’s annoying and downright difficult to deal with. While over-the-counter painkillers can help alleviate the pain, understand that these are only band-aid solutions.

You’ll want to partake in a solution that can last, and one of them is engaging with lower back exercises. There are plenty of stretches proven to help ease back pain, which can be done at home or professional stretching studios. Here are some of them:

The Knee to Chest Stretch


For desktop lovers needing a deep stretch

When it comes to back pain relief, knee-to-chest stretches are one of the best ways to get quick results. They’re also easy to do and don’t require many resources. All you need is yourself, the floor, and a few minutes of your time. Yoga mats are optional.

  • To do this exercise, you’ll need to lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. 

  • Start with tucking both hands behind your right knee and gently pulling that knee close to your chest and hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Keep the left foot planted on the floor as you do this.

  • Be mindful of how your hips and lower back feel like, then slowly release your leg and go back to the first position.

  • Repeat the exercise for your other leg, doing 2 to 3 repetitions for each leg or as much as necessary.

Cat-Cow Stretch


For yoga enthusiasts who love to incorporate breath work into their stretches 

The cat-cow stretch or Chakravakasana is one of the most well-known stretches among yoga enthusiasts. It’s simple yet effective for getting deep stretches for your back. It can also provide a sense of relaxation as you incorporate breathing techniques with this exercise. Likewise, this stretch doesn’t require special materials.

  • To do this exercise, you’ll need to stand on your hands and knees, with your hands parallel to your shoulders and your knees aligned with your hips.

  • Inhale and arch your back towards the floor for the cow position. Your back must resemble a slight U shape. Raise your head as far as you’re comfortable with. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 seconds.

  • For the cat pose, exhale and round your back towards the ceiling. Tuck your head close to your chest as far as you’re comfortable with. Your back should resemble an upside-down U shape. Likewise, you may hold this pose for 5 to 10 seconds.

  • Repeat both positions as much as necessary.

Child’s Pose


For those looking to find a sense of calm while stretching

Child’s Pose is a traditional yoga pose, which serves as a transition and relaxation from difficult poses. Done outside the mat, it can bring your lower back tremendous relief. Here’s how to do it:

  • Begin with your hands and knees on the ground, essentially an all-fours pose. Make sure to balance your body accordingly, and sink down into your hips slowly. Your hips must be resting on your heels, while your hands should stretch out in front of you so that you can fold forward. 

  • Make sure to rest your belly on your legs, as this will help you get the deep stretch for your back. Take a deep breath and relax, staying in the position for as long as you want. 

Golden tip: Close your eyes! This will help you focus better, ensuring that all tension is released from your body.

Taking Good Care of Your Lower Back 

There are so many other stretches available out there, but these are just some of the best ones for your lower back blues. All these can be done at home with no hassle, as you won’t need any equipment apart from your mat! So long as you stretch regularly, you’ll find your back pains wane and eventually, you’ll feel rejuvenated and back to your old, energized self!

If you wish to maximize your stretching experience, however, Stretch Studio can help! We offer you professional stretching services in Sydney, as we are the first one-on-one assisted stretching concept to exist in the country. Discover the benefits of a pain-free life with us today—book a stretch now!

Lisa Glick