All About Stretching — Its History and List of Health Benefits
Of all the things that people should prioritize, health should always be at the top. Health is wealth, as the saying says. Without good health, you will fail to do the things you want. Regular exercise is a must if you want to keep yourself in good physical condition. With proper exercise, you can keep your body in good shape and lower your risk of some diseases.
Stretching also plays a vital role in keeping you in tip-top condition. You need it to keep your muscles strong, flexible, and healthy, especially when engaging in physical exercise. Otherwise, certain activities might be more challenging for you since you will be unable to extend your muscles all the way.
The Beginning of Stretching
Humans have been stretching for more than a thousand years. The practise of yoga was first introduced around 3000 BCE. By 2000 BCE, the Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans were using stretching as a means to keep their soldiers in shape. Asian martial arts that involved plenty of stretching started as early as 1000 BCE. However, it was only at the end of the 18th century that stretching was first documented in osteological studies.
The Importance of Stretching
Why is it essential to include stretching in your daily routine? Here are some health benefits of this physical activity.
Helps in relieving stress
When people feel stressed, their muscles tighten, and the condition leads to headaches or back pain. Stretching your muscles will help relieve tension in your body. If you want to make it more effective, focus on the muscles around your neck and shoulders. They are the first muscle groups to tighten up when you feel stressed.
Helps increase blood flow
Doing certain exercises can improve your blood circulation. When you work out and move, your blood vessels work more efficiently, bringing more oxygen to your muscles. This helps reduce muscle soreness and shortens your recovery times.
Improves your posture
Tight muscles, particularly in the chest, lower and upper back, and hips, can lead to poor posture. If you are always sitting in front of your computer for a long time with drooped down shoulders and head looking down, it is already a poor posture position. You can improve your posture by stretching your body, specifically the pectoralis, hamstrings muscles, and upper trapezius.
Saves you from back pain
If you have poor upper and lower back posture, you will start feeling pain in these areas. Stretching the muscles that affect your posture can decrease this pain. ]
Decreases your muscle soreness
Stretching is also the best way to relieve muscles from soreness and other discomforts. Typically, when you get injured, the muscles around your injured area tighten as a protective response. Doing stretches that target the area can alleviate pain and soreness.
Increases range of motion
Your range of motion is the extent your joints can move in different directions. Regular stretches can make moving your body more comfortable, allowing you to participate in physical activity without experiencing difficulty.
Stretching is not only exclusive to athletes. Everyone is encouraged to stretch their muscles and joints every day. Regular stretching can provide your body with many benefits, so incorporate the habit into your daily routine to stay healthy.
Do you find stretching challenging? It shouldn’t be that way. At Stretch Studio, we offer assisted stretching classes in Sydney to make sure you stretch your body the correct way. Connect with us to learn more about our services.