The Benefits Of Stretching Before And After A Workout


Are you looking to become the fittest and healthiest version of yourself? Working out is an excellent way to reach your goal. However, some people are not able to take full advantage of their workouts because they fail to stretch before and after exercising. This article will talk about the advantages of stretching and how it can help take the benefits of working out to the next level.  

Why Should You Stretch? 

People who are new to exercise sometimes make the mistake of going straight to the strenuous part of the workout. They skip stretching because they may think of it as a waste of time, but this is a misconception that needs to be changed. Stretching your muscles before you exercise can do wonders for your body. It can also work well in aiding in muscle recovery between workouts. 

Giving your muscles a good stretch before and after a workout routine is a good idea; here are the specifics of why this is so. 

Before The Workout 

Stretching for at least five to ten minutes before hopping on the treadmill or getting your hands on those barbells will be enough. However, it is crucial to make sure that you stretch all the muscles you will use in the workout.  

1 - Increased Blood Flow 

The act of stretching increases blood flow to your muscles. Muscles that are correctly stretched before a workout will be prepared for the strenuous physical activity they will perform. 

2 - Flexibility And Range Of Motion 

The tendons, ligaments, and joints will all be loosened up when proper stretching is performed. This is how stretching improves your range of motion during exercise. You will find it easier to maneuver your body for your workout and avoid injury. 

3 - Improved Performance 

You can maximize your overall performance and the quality of the exercise if your muscles are adequately stretched before the start of a workout routine. 

After The Workout 

Just like at the beginning of the workout, stretching can end the exercise session as well. There are many benefits to stretching after a workout; here are the most common advantages of doing a post-workout stretch.  

1 - Stretching Gets Rid Of Lactic Acid 

Your body naturally produces lactic acid after exercise. However, lactic acid is the cause of that tired and heavy feeling your muscles get after a good workout. Stretching helps get rid of some of the lactic acids, therefore lessening the feeling of soreness after a workout. 

2 - It Helps You Relax 

After exercising, your muscles will need to wind down. Stretching after a workout will help your body and mind readjust after the intensity of the exercise and help you cool down. 

3 - Reduces The Risk Of Injury 

Depending on the type of exercise you do, there is a chance that some muscles will become tight. This is why it is important to stretch after finishing your workout routine. Stretching will help remove any knots in your muscles and reduce the risk of pain and injury after the workout. 

Assisted Stretching In Sydney 

If you want to get the most out of your daily grind, having assisted stretching is the way to go. Remember the benefits we mentioned above whenever you exercise to make the most out of every workout!

Stretch Studios offers one-on-one assisted stretching sessions to help you reduce the risk of muscle pain and let your muscles heal more quickly. Stretch your way into health and fitness with Stretch Studios today! 

Lisa Glick